
Fruits of Armenia

Fruits of Armenia

Armenia is famous for its sunny country, which has a large assortment of fruits. In order to get a harvest, the peasants make an incredible effort, putting their soul into the landwork. Perhaps, that's why Armenian fruits, vegetables and green acquire such exceptional taste qualities!

We would like to present you Armenian fruits, which you should definitely try while visiting Armenia.

Armenia has specific fruits for each season of the year. The fruit season begins in May, when strawberries and cherries get ready in Ararat valley and the southern lands of the country. And the main fruit season in Armenia is autumn. From September to November, from the selection in fruit shops, eyes flutter: at this time of the year you can find variety of grapes, peaches, apricots, watermelons, melons, plums, pomegranates, apples, pears, figs and persimmon almost in all fruit shops.  

In the second half of May, they begin to collect apricots. Their season is not so long, and its peak falls at the end of June – early July: at that time the main suppliers of apricots are the gardens of Armavir and Ararat regions. In August-September apricots get ready in fewer quantities in cooler areas. However, apricot is the most capricious of Armenian fruits. If a strong hail occurs in spring, the harvest of apricots may be in jeopardy.

In Armenia they grow:

• Apricot (tsiran)

• Pomegranate (nur)

• Peach (deghts)

• Fig (tuz)

• Grapes (Xaghogh)

• Persimmon (xurma)

• Plum (salor)

Apricot (tsiran) Apricot or "Armenian fruit" (''prunus armeniaca'' in Latin) is one of the symbols of Armenia. Apricot is a kind of visiting card of our country. The fruits contain vitamins B, C, H, E, P, pro-vitamin A, iron, silver, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. Microelements are represented by iron salts and iodine compounds, which is especially abundant in Armenian apricot varieties.

Pomegranate (Nur) The name "granate" is translated from Latin as "granular". One of the myths says that there are 365 grains in the pomegranate. A pomegranate, that weights 610 grams, contains 330 grams of edible grains (54%). The rest is the skin. One fruit of pomegranate contains 40% of the necessary daily dose of vitamins for a person. The pomegranate contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements, necessary for the normal functioning of the body. You need to know the four main pomegranate vitamins. They are C, P, B6 and B12. Vitamin C, which is more, than any other vitamin in pomegranate – has strengthening effect on the immunity. Vitamin P – will strengthen your blood vessels. B6 – strengthens the nervous system and B12 – improves the blood circulation.

Peach (deghts) Peach is one of the most popular fruits in the world. Juicy, fleshy, fragrant fruits, with characteristic fuzz on the peel are eaten raw, put in desserts, and compotes are made from them. Peach oil is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Peach is an amazing summer fruit, it is very useful, especially because it is a low-calorie product with a high content of potassium. The energy value of the fruit itself is approximately 45 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

Fig (tuz) Fig can be consumed in fresh or dried form. In this case, the use of dried figs is not changed, all the vitamins are retained. Fresh figs are full of sugar, organic acids. Some varieties contain up to 71% of sugar. The chemical composition of the fig is very diverse. It has a high content of vitamin A, C, E, PP and B vitamins. The fig quickly quenches the feeling of hunger, while saturating the body with vitamins, that's why it is recommended to use figs for weight loss. Decoction of figs lowers the temperature, reduces inflammation in the throat during angina and other diseases. Figs are perfect for treating children from coughing.

Grapes (Xaghogh) More than three thousand varieties of grapes are known today. Berries of grapes are the record holders for the quality composition and content of sugar, because the juice of mature berries contains from 15 to 30% of digestible sugars. That's why a perfect wine is made from grapes. The fruits and leaves of the plant are consumed in fresh and processed form. While processing, useful and diverse products are obtained such as raisins, juice, wine, cognac, vinegar, oil.

Persimmon (Korolek) Persimmon is a group of varieties of buckles. Persimmon develops from a female flower, and a buckle from a male flower. Buckles usually have lack of  astringent taste, they are dark orange with a brown pulp. It consists of: vitamin C, pro-vitamin A, vitamins A, P, citric and malic acid, as well as a number of other useful elements. Fruits of this healing plant are recommended to be consumed as often as possible, because the groups of vitamins contained in them stimulate the the immunity, that allows to avoid a whole list of diseases.

Plum (salor) The plum season begins in August. Today, we know a huge number of varieties of plums – about 2000. They are different in shape, color, and taste. Renclode, for example -is round and yellow with sweet juicy pulp, and Hungarian – oblong, dark purple with a thick fleshy middle. Blue, purple, green, yellow and red fruits get ready depending on the sort from the beginning of July to the end of October. Later, sorts of plums are especially tasty after frosts. Plum is full minerals. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, organic acids, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, zinc, iodine, manganese, copper, fluoride, pro-vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, C and E. There is especially a lot of  vitamin P and substances of vitamin P, that helps to reduce the blood pressure, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Author: Nona Vanyan