Which time is shown at ticket purchase? Local or Yerevan?
Our website will always state the local time of departure and arrival airports. For example, if a departure from Yerevan is shown as 10:15, then that means Yerevan local time. And arrival in Moscow at 11:45 a.m. — Moscow local time.
I received “session timed out” message. What should I Do?
There is an inactivity time limit of 20 minutes on our Web Pages. If your computer is inactive too long, you will see a «Session timed out» message. In that case you have to start again.
Can any person book a ticket on the website?
No, unfortunately not everyone.
Because some passengers require special booking procedures and mandatory agreements with the airline regarding the terms and conditions carriage, it is not currently possible to issue tickets online for:
– unaccompanied children (those under 12 travelling without an adult);
– adult passenger with infant under 2 years old occupying separate seat.
Tickets for passengers in these categories can be bought via an RM sales office, where a ticket sales agent can take all the necessary details and make enquiries about the possibility of such a flight.
Can I buy tickets for a group of passengers?
Yes, you can!
There are two ways to do this, depending on the number of people in the group.
For a group of up to 9 people, open the «Book flights» tab on the main page and book your tickets online.
If the group includes 10 or more people, you can buy tickets:
• by sending a request to group@armeniafly.com
• by dialing our Call Centre on +374 (11) 747777
For additional information, click here.
What do I need for the check-in in the airport?
Take your identity documents — a passport for adults or a birth certificate for a minor — and, if required, a foreign passport and visa as well.
We also recommend that you take your itinerary receipt with you. It is not required for check-in, but it might be useful as it contains all your flight information.
Can a booking be cancelled without warning?
Yes, it can. If the booking period expires before payment has been made, your booking will be cancelled.
The booking period can vary from 3 to 24 hours, depending on the fare class and whether the time remaining before departure is more or less than three days.
How to check the booking on the official website of the Airline?
On the website https://airdilijans.com/ you can check the status of your booking by clicking here.
Is there a service for accompanying a minor on the airline’s flights?
Air Dilijans provides a special service for “Unaccompanied Minors” (UMNR). Children fron 5 to 16 years old can travel without parents, if they are formalized as Unaccompanied Minors. The service is provided in departure and arrival airports for every destination. For use this type of service you should send the ticket number and note type of service to reservation@armeniafly.com after purchasing the ticket.
What is the baggage allowance?
You are allowed to have 23 kg of baggage and from 8 kg of hand baggage for economy class.
And 2 pieces of 32 kg baggage and 10 kg hand luggage. For additional information about allowance baggage click here!
How can I purchase the ticket?
You can purchase your ticket on:
– airline’s official site www.airdilijans.com,
– by visiting our head office at Vazgen Sargsyan str. 10
– by visiting partner tour agencies in Armenia and abroad
– by visiting online tour agencies’ websites.
For additional information please contact the airline’s head office by +374 (11) 747777 tel. number or by info@armeniafly.com email address.
How can I refund my ticket?
If you purchased the ticket from an online ticket sales service, you need to contact the customer support department of that service.
If your ticket is purchased on our website, you need to send a refund request, by logging in to your booking on our website through the “My Booking” section on the main page of the website.
For additional information you can contact us by phone +374 (11) 747777 or visit our office at 10 Vazgen Sargsyan Street, Piazza Grande Business Center.
I have purchased tickets, but didn’t receive them to email. How can I get the ticket?
I have purchased tickets, but didn’t receive them to email. How can I get the ticket?
How can I check-in online?
You can “Check-In online” here 20 h. before flight!